During the 30-month event held in San Sebastian, Institut Symlog, a partner involved in communication, announced an internship.
A great opportunity to grow in the field. Apply now:
- Internship – Responsible Research and Innovation
- Duration: 5 or 6 months starting Jan 2023[1]
- Academic background: social psychology, sociology – or any other discipline equipping you to collaborate on the research described.
- Research topics: risk governance, social representations
- Desired competence: good basis and interest in qualitative and quantitative data analysis
- Location: Flexible
The Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Team of Horizon 2020 European project SAbyNA (The Guidance Platform for the Development of Safer Nanomaterials and Nano-Enabled Products; https://www.sabyna.eu/) is currently seeking a highly motivated Masters student to help us conduct the second phase of our research relating to the social representations of Safety-by-Design (SbD) in the field of nanotechnology. Our previous work conducted over the past two years (read our report here) has sought to clarify how diverse actors working in nanotechnology conceive of design-based safety and sustainability in light of their disciplinary background. We now seek to develop a wider questionnaire to be disseminated across industry, regulatory and academic stakeholders, civil society, and consumers to further study how particular beliefs about safety, risk and uncertainty might be influenced by context and professional background – and the implications for research and innovation. Results will be co-constructed with stakeholders, to generate shared critical knowledge, and to help finetune communication about the SAbyNA SbD Guidance Platform.
As our intern you will be responsible for helping formulate and disseminate the survey, conduct data analysis, and present the results to relevant stakeholders for debate and discussion in a co-constructive context. We are seeking a self-starting, quality-conscious student who is interested in conducting novel research within the field of social representations. You must have a functionally fluent capacity in written English. Please note you do not need experience with nanotechnology or material sciences to work on the project. You will join an enthusiastic small international Responsible Research and Innovation team eager to discuss and share ideas, and with a history of excellent transdisciplinary collaboration. You will meet high expectations for learning, adapting, and for finishing work according to an agreed calendar. You will gain knowledge of social and environmental psychology as well as of social representations of nanotech, learn survey, analytic, and co-constructive methods, have a publication opportunity, and grow in your profession.
If interested, please send an email inquiry to Raquel Bertoldo, Université Aix-Marseille, internship director raquel.BOHN-BERTOLDO@univ-amu.fr
and Claire Mays, Institut Symlog, RRI team leader clairemays4sabyna@gmail.com
[1] REMUNERATION will be determined by the possibility of signing a university-framed internship agreement in conformity with French rules. PERIOD will be conditioned by your own university schedule and by SAbyNA project activities (anticipated to last through July 2023). An extension beyond 6 months is possible.